Still reminiscing and reflecting on one of my favorite Richmond memories of 2022…running the Richmond Marathon! 🥳🏃🏽♀️🏅

Running a marathon had been on my bucket list for the longest time and I am proud to say I finally did it! On November 18, 2021, I signed up for the 2022 Richmond Marathon, not fully knowing yet the commitment I had just signed up for. I knew it wasn’t something I could do on my own, so I joined the Sports Backers Marathon Training Team (@sbmtt) and trained with them for 23 weeks since the beginning of June. We ran through 90 degree summer weather and 40 degree rain but nothing prepared me for the sweltering weather on race day that was 25-30 degrees hotter than it should have been (I was sweating before it even started lol). Around mile 16, I realized with the weather conditions I simply was not going to achieve my pace/time goal so I had to adjust my expectations a bit. After seeing people collapsing left and right, my goal just became to finish and have fun rather than racing it!
I have to give credit to all the MTT coaches who helped me turn around my negative mindset into a positive one and make the most of the situation despite circumstances being out of my control. As you can see, I was smiling for the entire race thanks to my coaches, friends, and family that supported me on race day! ❤️
I am proud to say I’m officially a marathoner and have to say thanks to the @sportsbackers Richmond Marathon for living up to all the hype! Training for and finishing 26.2 miles was such a humbling experience and now I can finally say I’m part of the <1% that has run a marathon!
Next up, I’ll be conquering the Monument Avenue 10k on April 22, 2023. There’s a price increase at midnight so sign up now and join me in less than 3 months!
Monument Avenue 10k sign up link:
2023 Richmond Marathon Training Team sign up link:
2023 Richmond Marathon sign up link:
Originally Published 01/31/2023.